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App Help & How-ToDo you need help using the World Radio League app? Ask us here!
Bug ReportsIMPORTANT! Please use the Report a Bug Button Inside the WRL Logbook to report bugs.
Feature RequestsIs there something you’d like to see with your online experience at the World Radio League? We’re listening. Let us know if there is an enhancement you’d like and we’ll see if it’s something we can do. We’re open to all ideas. Just reply here.
Updates & Release NotesThis category is for release notes and updates when we update our software!
Say HELLO and introduce yourselfHere is a place where you can introduce yourself to other members of the World Radio League. Tell us what class of license you hold or what courses you are studying. What radios do you have? What are your favorite bands to operate on? How long have you been licensed? We’d love to get to know you!
Ask an ElmerHave a question about the hobby? Chances are, an elmer knows the answer. Ask away!
ContestingThis is the category for general discussion and questions about contesting!
News and AnnouncementsYour source for up-to-date World Radio League and ham radio news and announcements!
HF operationsHave a question about HF operations? Are you an active HF operator? Here’s a great place to talk about HF rigs, on-the-air operations and much more. If you’re on HF, join in the conversation!
VHF operationsAre you a fan of the 6-meter, 2-meter or 1.25-meter bands? This is your home to discuss operations from 50-54 MHz, 144-148 MHz and 222-225 MHz. Join in the conversation to talk about radios, antennas and on-the-air operations.
UHF and above operationsDo you love operations on UHF? Whether you’re into FM operations on 440 MHz, or even sideband or CW operations on 432 MHz, here is your place. Operating on the 902-928 or 1240-1300 MHz bands or higher into the microwaves? Join in here. If we get enough microwave ops, we’ll start a channel for it!
My ham shackHave a photo of your home or office ham shack? (Yes, some hams have a station in their office!) How about a photo of your mobile installation? Here is the place to share your photo with the rest of the community. If you don’t mind, we may even feature your station’s photo on our social media, too! Let’s see those stations!
AntennasYou’re nothing on ham radio without antennas! Let’s talk about antennas … from wire antennas on HF to yagis on UHF. Any type of antenna is fair game, from long beverages to dual-band mobile antennas. Ready … aim … antennas!
POTA, SOTA, and Other ActivitiesLet’s chat about Summits on the Air (SOTA) and Parks on the Air (POTA). Heading out to the field? Post it here so others can listen for you. Did you have a great on-air experience? We’d love to hear about it. Share your on-air photos, too!
Mobile operationsDo you ragchew on 2 meters while commuting each day? Do you like to work repeaters along the way while traveling? Here’s a great place to talk about your mobile radios and antennas, and mobile operations. Everyone loves talking while driving. Let’s see your mobile stations, too!
Working satellites and ISSHave you worked or tried to work the International Space Station? Have you talked through any of the amateur satellites? Here is your group to talk about space communications!
LicensingIf we’re hams, we have one. A license, that is. Here’s the place to ask questions about our licenses, whether you have questions about renewals, or you are getting ready to take your test and have questions about the licensing process. Have a new license? Show it off!
Student SuccessThe World Radio League’s Student Success team is monitoring this category on a daily basis. Need help with your courses or have a general question? Let us know!
Software Defined RadioMany people get their start with the radio waves by plugging in an inexpensive RTL-SDR into their computer. Others use these to monitor satellites and scan the bands for DX, or as a home APRS receiver. Maybe you have some big iron, like a Flex Radio. Discuss them all here in the SDR category.
Ham Radio Instructional GuidesThe Ham Radio Instructional Guides category is for sharing and commenting on helpful instructional guides to help us all learn more and progress in the ham radio hobby. Enjoy!
Technician Course DiscussionStudying for your Technician class license? Here is where you can meet with fellow students and Elmers to discuss any questions you have about:
General Course DiscussionStudying for your General class license? Here is where you can meet with fellow students and Elmers to discuss any questions you have about:
Extra Course DiscussionStudying for your Extra class license? Here is where you can meet with fellow students and Elmers to discuss any questions you have about:
Community rules and guidelines (READ)The World Radio League membership is a cross-section of our entire great world. We come from all walks of life, socioeconomic backgrounds, faiths, races and much more. We’re male and female, we’re young and old, and we’re new to the hobby and long in the hobby. We ask for tolerance of all backgrounds in any of our community groups!
New Licensees!Remember that feeling when you first passed your ham radio license exam or got the upgrade?
Ham Radio In Your StateThe State Radio Category is for discussing local ham radio operations in your state, such as events, making contacts, repeaters, etc.
Emergency CommunicationsThis category is for discussing ham radio for use in emergency communications, including best practices, working with other government & private organizations, disaster preparation, and more.
Ham Radio in Your CountryThe Country Radio Category is for discussing local ham radio operations in your country, such as events, making contacts, repeaters, etc.
Hamfests and EventsThis category is for general discussion about hamfests and events!
QRM PodcastBringing you the most intentional interference in ham radio—this is QRM.