I was first Licensed in 1975 as WN9RNX, which they dropped the N and changed it to WB9RNX in Jacksonville, Illinois.

In 1979 was Licensed as KA4IYQ in Florida and then moved to North Carolina and then back to the Florida Keys.

In 1984 I moved to Bakersfield ,Ca and got the call sign of KB6JFL still as a Novice, in 1986 I upgraded to General class and yes with the 13 wpm code test passed.

I have held office of President of two clubs in Bakersfield, Ca and other offices on the board, I am into DXing and VHF sideband but as of January 19th 2019 I have been on FT8 the most. SSB CW Straight Key Only.

I started FT8 back in January 2019 in February My dad constructed a EFHW 10-40 antenna which goes out my second story window in my Radio room, It is still working great even with all of the wind we have had since. My Dad WJ6T passed away November 25th 2020.

Updated 2/16/22 Update: Sometime before the week before WFD. My gardener redesigned my End Fed Half Wave Antenna, my Dad had built, well it was such a mess I had to re do a leg,
I replace all legs except the one coming out the window, the only one that was not messed up, Now it is working great if not better all bare copper wire… Pretty sad it went 4 years no problems. I have since added wire to 134 feet now 10/80
I use ACLOG and QRZ Founder Member #453 not #1158