Looking forward to picking up my General ticket when I get some more time to study and test.
Running a Yaesu FTDX10 for 6 and 10 meter. What an upgrade from the President Lincoln II that I started off with, although for the price, the Lincoln is still fantastic and will probably end up in the mobile.
On 2m/70cm I use a Yaesu FTM-200 which I have been quite pleased with.
In the mobile, a QYT KT-2900R has worked surprisingly well for 2m, 1.25m and 70cm. For less than $90 new, it has been a great truck rig.
Operating on a homebrew 10m dipole between two of the oak trees on my side yard. Also running a KB9VBR 2m copper J Pole at 35 feet. I am located in a densely populated HOA and this setup is utilizing equipment that I have had on hand and remains fairly inconspicuous while providing for some great communications. I am a huge fan of using what you have on hand. Adapt, improvise and overcome!
The tinkering aspect of the amateur radio hobby has kept me busy. From tuning duplexers, building repeaters, linking systems (RF link, raspberry pi etc). I have experienced quite a bit with Hamvoip/Allstar software and enjoy exploring the vast possibilities it provides the radio hobby.
Current Projects Include: 3D printing “HAM stuff” and building a 6m Moxon antenna from a 3D printed hub and fiberglass electric fence rods. Stay Tuned…
It was an absolute blast participating in the 2022 and 2023 ARRL 10m contest; And I may have been bitten by the Contesting Bug…
Thanks for visiting.