New to amateur radio with Technician license earned in early October, 2022 and General the following month. I enjoy POTA and am also Skywarn trained. Member of the Lakeland Amateur Radio Club in Lakeland, Florida, FT4 Digial Mode Club, FT8 Digital Mode Club|and Spotter Network.
Outside of radio I enjoy scouting, boating (motor and sailing), geocaching, relaxing in my hammock and spending time with my family.
Locally, I can be usually be found on:
- SSB using a Xiegu G90 and a Buddistick Pro antenna
- FT4 and FT8 on 20m and 40m using a QRP Labs QDX (5 watts over a dipole antenna strung across the garage attic rafters)
- WC4PEM network or K4LKL repeater using either a Yaesu FT-4X, QYT KT-8900D or a Baofeng GT-5R
- DMR using an Anytone AT-D878UVII Plus connected to a ZUM Radio Elite MMDVM hotspot
- Echolink running on Win10, Android or iPad
- Peanut running on Win10 or Android