Is there a place within WRL where I can change a setting that would then display distance in my WRL log in miles rather than KM?
Andy K3UK
Is there a place within WRL where I can change a setting that would then display distance in my WRL log in miles rather than KM?
Andy K3UK
Hi Andrew,
This function will be available soon!
Alfredo WP3C
Distance in miles is now available as a setting from your profile page!
I could not find an option to switch from metric to imperial on the distance of contacts… if there is not one, id recommend adding it for those of us who think in miles normally and kilometers when we have to. Thanks guys.
Please could we have the option for the distance to be displayed in miles?
Hi Paul
Thanks for your suggestion, I will include it as a Feature Request
Alfredo WP3C
Yes, this would be an excellent feature!