I live in an apartment in New York City. I am a brand new Technician and am only working VHF/UHF and EchoLink over the computer for now. I am studying for my General, but I am concerned about doing HF because I have no way to do an Antenna outside. Any ideas?
For something small and portable you can get the N9TAX roll up slim jim antenna off eBay. Works great with an ht. I keep mine in my jeep for when I go on camping trips and stuff. Use it for my “base station” mobile rig setup at camp. Used to use it as primary at home until I put the signal stick jpole in my attic.
If your using a mobile rig as a base station, you can go get the 144/440 dual band jpole off signal sticks website. You can see a pic on my qRZ page of how I have it installed. You can sit it in your living room or out on the balcony/patio on a camera tripod as a temp setup that’s easy to take up and down.
And lastly, if you’re feeling really froggy and want to have some fun, you can go on YouTube and watch KB9VBR’s how to make a copper tube jpole antenna.
Put this in your window or even on top of your radio . is not the same as a GP9 but will get you UHF/ VHF. also stick to the Local repeaters that will get you farther.
Have you considered portable operating for HF? There are a bunch of POTA parks in NYC: Parks on the Air | POTA