Apologies if these have already been reported, but I haven’t got time to soft through tons of previous tickets to check.
Marking dupes that aren’t dupes - had a contact with G0OXV on the 02/02/2004 at 20:39 and 20:48, both on 2m FM. These are two separate contacts, not dupes.
Whilst flagged as dupes in the listing, these contacts aren’t flagged as dupes when importing. The total records processed to-date is displayed and during processing they’ve obviously been flagged as dupes, but the running total for dupes isn’t working.
Even though there’s an icon to indicate that the log listing can be sorted by date, it doesn’t appear to do anything on clicking it - the mouse pointer doesn’t change to indicate the sort icon can be clicked on either.
Upgrade price misleading. The monthly price is in large text above the smaller annual price. This will be taken to indicate that you can pay monthly - you can’t. The annual price should be larger and the monthly price smaller with an ‘Eq. to’ in front of it.
Was most disappointed to see you can’t pay monthly - that would be my preferred payment option as $60 in one go can be quite off-putting for some potential users of this site. Thinking here of people on low nett incomes, etc.
Also, asking people to invest one large sum of money in a new, untested system is quite an ask - especially when it’s only got around 375 members out of a potential audience of hundreds of thousands.
I’ve paid the annual fee as a bit of a leap of faith. But this system might go toes-up in months if you don’t attract lots of folk to it, and quickly. What sounds better to them; $60 or $5a month? Giving a monthly option would attract a lot more people quickly; $5 a month is worth a punt, $60 up-front whilst you sort out the problems, not so much.
Hope this helps. Please, not meant as criticism, but some ideas. I’ve paid, so I’ve got a vested interest.