Many hams run at least 2 meters, maybe a dual-band 2M/440 MHz radio while mobile. What bands are you running? On this end, I like having 2 meters, 222 MHz and 440 MHz. The best of VHF and UHF.
What type of antenna are you using for mobile, too?
I am running an Icom dual band, 2M/440. I listen to and from work. I have a TYT Quad band I’ll put in eventually, after I pass my General test. Please tell me HF is better then 2M/440. I only say that as in my area these bands (or least my exposure to them) is like a CB radio. Most people don’t ever use a call sign and are a bit defensive/condescending of others who do use one. The usual conversation starts something like this - Hey Jeff, are you out there?
I feel a bit dis-heartened by the local conversations I’ve heard. I would like to make connections farther away than my own state. Is that possible on HF with a mobile rig?
As far as an antenna I use a COMPACtenna Model 2M/220/440 Tri-Band NMO Mobile Antenna.
YMMV when it comes to ham radio. Sorry to hear that hams don’t respect FCC rules in your area. I will say that for every ham who chooses to ignore full rule compliance, there are another 20 who actually do play by the rules. You just haven’t found them in your area yet. You will, and they will be the ones you want to get to know. For all we know, those not using call signs could even be bootleggers. The FCC might be interested; at the very least Volunteer Monitors might listen in.
I said YMMV earlier, because it can apply to HF, too. There are outlaw areas on the HF bands, but plenty of places where everyone plays fair. There always be a few bad eggs in the bunch, but for the most part, most respect the rules. You’ll learn the frequencies to avoid to remain compliant.
You mentioned a quad band mobile, and TYT makes some that are only VHF/UHF and one that includes 10 meters. I assume you mean that one. The 10-meter band isn’t open all the time, so it’s catch as you can when the band is popping for contacts. It varies by season and the day. If you have it always running in the background, even while working VHF/UHF, you’ll notice the band when it opens and other stations start coming in.
By the way, if your quad band does include 10 meters, don’t forget Techs have access to SSB from 28.3 to 28.5 MHz. And there are plenty of QSOs to find there, especially during contests. 10 meters is a fun band.
I just came back from a road trip - Atlanta to Cape Cod and back. I kept 2M and 70 CM simplex on my radio most of the time. It was pretty quiet.
Thanks for the encouragement Chuck!
The TYT is a quad band - 10M/6M/2M/70CM. I am going to hook it up to a power supply and antenna this weekend and listen in while I work on the Mustang. I’m thinking I may hear more on a Saturday than at 5:15 in the morning!
Yep, if you are listening to 10M, you’re more likely to hear activity during the afternoon. At night, you’ll probably only hear any locals on 10M. I know of several clubs that run 10M nets in the evening and it usually works OK for a given town. Have fun! 73
There’s also the daily 10-10 Net which is 1800Z, or 2 PM Eastern currently. 28.380 and 28.800. Now if I could only remember my 1010 number.
@JimWRL Your 10-10 number is 75438. de 58127
Haha! Excellent! Thank you Chuck!
I recently installed an Anytone AT-D578UVIII Plus Tri-Band radio connected to a Tram 1185 Dual-Band Mag-Mount antenna.
I have a Anytone Tri-Band (144/220/440) antenna that I plan to install… when I stop being lazy!
I actually had the tri-band antenna installed for all of 30 minutes. I took a drive around the block and the antenna is so physically heavy that the magnetic base could not keep contact with the roof of my pickup cab!! The antenna fell into the bed of my pickup.
So, I emailed Bridgecom Systems (I bought the radio and antenna from them) and related the story and asked them if they had a stronger mag-mount. Sadly, they did not. However, they recommended a stronger mag-mount and I found one on Amazon and ordered it (UAYESOK Heavy Duty Magnetic Antenna Mount 8.8 inch). It has THREE magnets arranged in a triangle.
I’m hoping this new base will handle the weight of my tri-band antenna and I can start using it.
I spend a lot of time in the car these days. I bring along my handheld and scan various repeaters along the route. I’ve been jotting down the active repeaters in certain locations to try to hone in on a smaller number of them to scan.
What are you all doing while mobile? Do you scan repeaters? Or more open frequencies?
Dale - WD4IFR
ICOM-7100 in the truck with Comet multi-band antenna for HD and a simple 144-450 antenna for 2 meters. Seems to work very good on 17 and 20 meters for HF.
Airplane is a Yaesu HF/VHF rig with a belly-mount 2 meter “Shark fin” and a trailing long-wire for HF (surplus). The plane is a Piper Cherokee 6. I’ve made lots of DX contacts with this little 100 watter from 10,000 feet over the years
That’s a great setup for air mobile!