First POTA activation using the WRL IOS app

I did my first POTA activation using the WRL IOS app on my iPhone for logging. It was also the first POTA activation with my 20M QCX Mini and only my second CW activation ever! I made 54 Contacts from US-1024, Silver Springs State Park in NE IL. Thanks to all of the hunters who slowed down for me and put up with me asking for fills on your call sign :grinning:

The IOS app worked well but I did notice a couple of things…

  1. I used the Spots page to do some hunting and I filtered the spots by mode and band. When i added a spot to my log and then saved the entry when I returned to the Spots page the filters were reset. It would be nice if the filter setting was retained.
  2. When entering signal reports the default was 59 even though my mode was CW.
  3. When entering the Sent signal report it would be nice if the cursor would automatically move to the Rcvd field.
  4. I was using my iPhone and the log entry screen was a bit small. It would be nice if that larger
  5. Along these lines it would be nice if the call signs on the log screen were larger
  6. Another nice to have would be having the spots page updated to show stations that I have already worked
  7. One more nice to have is automatic respotting when a spotted station is worked



@N7BBQ This is great feedback! Thank you for pointing these out. I really like these ideas! Please let us know if you have any more feedback or feature requests!
73 and POTA On!
Andy N0APX
WRL Product Manager


Thanks Andy! I will likely be doing another activation early next week so I will let you know. If you are familiar with the Ham2K Polo app it has quite a few of these features that you can look at for examples.