Getting ready for bonding and grounding

My shack at the new QTH is still coming together. I’m taking it slowly, mapping everything out, and doing it by the book (literally, in some cases) to ensure optimal efficiency.


Great Lance :ok_hand:t3:

The ground system is one of the most important aspects of our hobby. :wink:

Alfredo WP3C

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Looking great, @W9DAE! If you have any tips for grounding/bonding, please let us know! I am certainly not an expert, and I wouldn’t mind improving my own shack!

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I’ve been reading up since September 2023 in an effort to do this right, as there is a lot of contradictory information from “experts” out there. I suggest these sources:

  1. Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur, which is about $10 on Kindle and is considered the Bible on these matters.
  2. This video by Ham Radio Crash Course.
  3. Any video, like this one and this one, by Jim Heath W6LG, the best Elmer on the web.
  4. The many resources here, collated by KF7P.