I am a recent retiree and think a radio could make for a fine hobby.
Hi Jones,
Welcome. I am new and looking forward to engaging with amateur radio as a hobby. Do you have any ideas of what you want to do with your radio first? Have you picked one out yet or taken the exam?
Hello all! Yes, ham radio is a great hobby! Glad to have you on board!
Ham radio is the best hobby in the world
Alfredo WP3C
@WP3C If you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been involved in the hobby, and what got you interested?
I started in this hobby with a CB radio (11M) and then passed my licenses. I was about 14 years old. That was in 1995. I really liked making communications with other people around the world. 73’
Alfredo WP3C
I bought a couple walkie talkies for fishing, they were baofeng. I realized I need an amateur license and now I test on the 13th of April. I am looking forward to getting on the air but living in an area with few amateur radio enthusiasts that I know, makes it a little difficult to learn about equipment and techniques. So I am grateful for a resource such as WRL to help to properly learn the ins and outs of amateur radio communications.
Welcome to Ham Radio! Hope to work you on the air someday!
PianoPete, I am still waiting to test this upcoming weekend. I have picked up a couple baofeng radios, haven’t done anything yet, not till I get my license. Looking forward to communicating in the future. I was looking for a hobby that could keep me busy in retirement.
There are not many amateur operators in my area, but I am thankful for this online community. Perhaps we will see each other on the air eventually.
PIANOPETE, I had forgot we had chatted. I got my call sign KJ5FUJ and look forward to hearing you on the air. I will keep my ears open and hopefully we will chat soon. I understand about the lack of operators, I listen to a quiet radio most of the time, not many operators on the air in Lawton that I have found so far. Hopefully as I learn more I will become a better operator myself.