Hello, my name is Oscar from North California. I am on my third section of my first course to get a Technician License.
I already bought four baofeng bf-f8hp radios that I am planning to use when camping, fishing and other outdoors activities in which having a communication device could be VERY useful. I am sure that we share the same feeling about this devices.
its always fun to communicate with random people around the world, isn’t? I might not talk to my neighbor but still fun
I will let you known ASAP I get my Tech license— I am already thinking into install an Attic antenna to hook my BAOFengs radio just to communicate to my closets repeater and from there to the world! YAY>
Welcome @carito !! You’re getting into a great hobby and also an important public service. Good luck studying, and be sure to take the practice test!
Also if you have an iPhone, search for American Radio Club on the App Store and download it! Use the same login as the website, then you will be able to watch the videos from your phone too and take quizzes / practice tests.
What a great recomendation! I just installed the app on my iPhone! thank you very much. Yes, I am happy to be part of the ARC HAM Radio family. I am doing another training related to tech on the side, so I am not advancing much but with the app I can move on by listening while driving. So far I am in section 6 and scoring above 8 and 10s, so looks like if I keep pushing I will make it.
Howdy, ya’ll! Still studying for the Technician’s license (should be taking the exam on 11 June). I’m a retired Marine Gunnery Sgt, and also a retired full-time Professional Firefighter/EMT. Now, I’m just plain retired!
I currently have a President Richard 10-meter, which I plan to set up as a base station, until I find/can afford something better. I’m working on building an outdoor tilt antenna system using a ProComm PT99 with ground plane. I’m sure I’ll be asking alot of questions as I go.
Ed, Congratulation on your retirement, I’m also a retied Gunny and retired from the USDA, now just plain retired. Taking my extra test today - welcome to the hobby, great folks and so much to learn…
Semper Fi
Glad to hear it, Gunny! How’d you do on your Extra exam? I spent the day today, putting together the beginnings of my base station. Still gotta dig/build/over-engineer my folding antenna, lol. Can’t xmit on Ham yet, but I can work my CB in the meantime!
It’s a 2-way rig… a 980SSB. (CB+SSB). The one on the left is the President “Richard” 10 meter. I did add (after the pic was taken), an old Bearcat BC760XLT scanner.
My name is Mia and I live in the mountains of Western NC. Living here is one of the reasons I want to get my license (mountains and cell phones aren’t necessarily compatible!)
I also want to be able to communicate in the event of an emergency or natural disaster. I’ve known other HAM radio users in the past and they all were very nice.
Also, I retired from NASA and I worked on the construction and launch of Space Station. I think it would be very cool to listen to their comm when they converse with radio users. Maybe one day I will actually be able to transmit to the astronauts.
So now it’s time to get serious about getting this license!