Hello HAM radio users

Hello KO4ZSE/73,

Thank you for the warm welcome!



And I just realize ā€œ73ā€ isnā€™t part of your call sign! (I do have a lot to learn!)



Hello @aquawoman373 I just got my call sign about about two weeks ago :smiley: - It feels good to have a Call Sign. I am in North California.

I have not tried yet to connect with anyone because the frequencies are kind of quit and I am cautions of not messing up.

Looks like you are going to have a blast being able to talk to the space stations, is not? amazing!!!

Let us know as soon as you get it!

Welcome to the Club!

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Hi I will do that! Iā€™m in North Carolina also. Iā€™m in the western mountains. Where are you at? If you donā€™t mind me askingā€¦


I love that part of the country and Iā€™ve vacationed on the Blue Ridge Parkway the last few years.

Hereā€™s a link to all the frequencies to monitor for the ISS. I heard a little squawking on 437.80 here in Georgia over the weekend, so itā€™s active at the moment.

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