Hello New member

Hello my name is Joanne. I’m retired and live in Long Beach California. My father in law sent me and my husband a Baofeng radio and AARL Ham radio book. I’ve been studying and hope to take my technician exam in a couple of months.


Hi Joanne! Welcome to the forums. Be aware that about 10% of the questions in that book will change on July 1. So if you keep using the book, you’ll want to set that as a deadline to take your exam. It’s not critical because the principles are the same, but you might see some different questions you haven’t practiced.

That said, I am working on an updated version of our (American Radio Club) Technician class now. All new videos are coming and the lessons are about 10% longer to add more context and “how this applies” information into the discussion.


Hi, I just joined. I have equipment that dates in the 1930’s that my deceased uncle had. It was found in my Dad’s house when we sold the house in Kalispell, MT. last November. It is not 100% intact as a couple tubes appear to be missing. I have old radio catalogs and my uncle’s log. Probably this stuff belongs in the Smithsonian in WDC. My youngest brother discovered it hidden behind the flour bins in the kitchen. I am trying to locate someone who would know what would be the best way to restore it, or find an old radio buff that knows what to do with it. I would enjoy getting a reply from someone knowledgeable. Thanks, Les


@baldik.les8 thanks so much for joining and for sharing. I wonder what kind of radio it is? I’m sure if you post a pic, someone around here could help you get started :slight_smile:

Welcome to the American Radio Club!


Welcome! I cross posted a link to this in our Montana forum, maybe someone local will be able to pop in and help.


If you decide it is too much to restore, and it would take a special amateur to accomplish that, let alone the capabilities it would lack in today’s amateur world, you might be surprised that a local museum would be interested in taking it off your hands for a display. I once donated an old Goonie bird (Gonset) 6-meter lunchbox formerly used for Civil Defense purposes to a local museum and they were more than pleased to take it off my hands for an exhibit.


Hey all, my name is Billy K5BWN. Just got on the forums, but have gone from Tech to Extra with HRP. Glad to be here.


Hello Billy! Welcome and 73 to you.


hello and welcome
hope to hear from you in the air soon.


I am glad to be reading the forum! I better speed up my learning progress :smiley:


Hello … Jennie KN6SRE here … a new HAM since February with Technical Class License … I have a Baofang UV-5, and the UV-82 and just got the AT-D878UVII PLUS … yep last one is digital … I’m loving this ‘HAMMY’ stuff and I don’t want to miss a thing !!!