Hello from Alaska!

Hi everybody! My name is William and I just got my license today! (KL5LD) I am very excited to start on this adventure of amateur radio and hope to meet new people and learn a lot. I am from Alaska and lived here for about 12 years now. Just made my first contact with Ian (KK7DQK) from Oregon. He was cool and very welcoming as well as some other people, one of which was from Queens, New York! Well, hope to talk to you guys soon and take care.


Hey William, I have wanting to get a ham license for some time and actually purchased the lessons. I just have gotten so busy I haven’t spent a lot of time with my studies. I need to get on that. I am from Fairbanks. So when I get my license, we will have to hook up. Congrats on being a ham radio operator there buddy.


Hello sir,

Yeah, I am fortunate enough to have the time to study. What really helped me was I took a class with Bob Phinney (K5TEC) at New England Sci-Tech. He was an amazing teacher and I did it all through Zoom. I learned a lot from taking that course and it helped me tremendously. What also helped me a whole bunch was hamstudy.org. They have an amazing app that cost I think 3 dollars and it lets you take as many practice exams as you want as well as a flash card style of learning the questions as well as the Gordon West Tech Exam Study Guide. With those tools, I was able to pass my test first try with a 34 out of 35 right. I always thought it would be impossible for me to get my ham license and that it was too hard (I’m a history major) because me and numbers do not do so well together lol, but I did it with a little practice and patience and I’m positive you can too! If you need any help please don’t hesitate to give me a holler I do not mind at all, and if you need the newest exam study guide I don’t mind sending the Gordon West book up your way free of charge if you really need it. It is the newest edition, 2022-2026. Hope you get the time to study up and feel free to let me know if you need any help sir, we Alaskans need to stick together up here!

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Welcome to the wonderful world of Ham Radio! In Alaska you should be able to make many new ham friends - ham radio is the choice of communication mode for many!

KO4UAL Georgia

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