Hello Alaska hams from North Pole, Alaska

Hello Alaska Hams: just joined The American Radio Club and didn’t see much Alaska activity so I thought I’d drop a line and see if anyone else is willing to post here. I live in North Pole, and as an Extra I’m always trying out various aspect of ham radio, all modes, and bands.


Welcome up there in KL7 land! Glad to have you as a member.

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Thank you very much, from the land of the midnight sun. Our sunset will be sometime in late August now … so, I’ll enjoy the bands when they are active and hope to get other Alaska hams interested in this site! May God richly bless you all.
de Mike AD7VV


How much different is propagation given your solar situation. No 80 meters?


The bands right now seem sporadic to dead. 20 meters three days ago was alive with a plethora of digital activity, and I was able to make a voice SSB contact with a ham in California on my FT991A … I’ll get the QSO info when I get home, I’m at the cancer center right now … the rest of the bands have been dead. Take into account our sun doesn’t set until late August now …: later my friend. 73 Mike AD7VV


Field day was a bust as propagation was not good at all; all the bands were dead, not even much digital going on. We’re at the top of our sun cycle and starting now to lose daylight a few seconds every day until Mid-August when we start losing minutes per day. By September we’ll start having less and less daylight and by December we’ll have o average 2 1/2 hours of “daylight” per day.

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Wow. Sorry FD was bad for you. I was hearing stations from Georgia as far as Eastern Washington but nothing beyond that. No Hawaii either.

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Please forgive my very late reply to you, I’ve been battling cancer for the last year since last January and I’ve not been very active at all. I’m glad to report that Jesus has again performed a miracle and my cancer is gone. I had stage 4 Diffused Large B cell Lymphoma in both lungs, liver, spleen, and lymph system but HE who is able, took it away. The chemotherapy was rough but I survived it and am doing much better. The doctor, my oncologist, will monitor me now for the next five years and I still go in from time to time to get my port flushed and get lab work done to track my progress.
My hair has started growing back and seems to be darker than it was before I lost it all … I guess there is some benefit to all this aside from seeing Christ perform a miracle in my life.
For now I’m back to work, though my hours have been reduced but it is good to be active again. I don’t have an antenna up yet and I’m afraid the arctic winter has caught up with me so I most likely won’t have one up soon. I do have my BuddiPole Deluxe kit and may put that up just to get back into the ham radio groove … I do miss it. I have my dual band 2-meter rig in the pick-up and have occasional contacts on that while driving into or from work or around town, but HF is my favorite pastime for ham activity and that is what I miss the most.
I’ll try to monitor this forum more often and offer whatever help I can to others. For now, 73, and may God richly bless all of you out there, and keep you safe.

73 MIke AD7VV