Hello all! Glad to be in the HAM community, thanks to Ham Radio Prep’s training. I spent years operating radios while in the Navy, but now I’m finally an official amateur operator.
Hello all! Glad to be in the HAM community, thanks to Ham Radio Prep’s training. I spent years operating radios while in the Navy, but now I’m finally an official amateur operator.
Hello from Carolina Shores, NC
Mark Sergent - KA4EVR
Hello @KQ4LQN and welcome
Alfredo WP3C
Hello Keane, I’m new to ham myself (old CBer 50 years ago) now ready to join the big boys. Used to live near Asheville NC and I loved it! now I find myself in Florida. Its ok but would love to be up there with you. Guess I’m stuck here now. 73’s to you and yours.
Congratulations!! I have been trying to fit time for study into my life for over a year!! I have a few friends who are Generals and have years of experience. They bug me to get my tech! I am NOT the learn the answers to the previous questions then take the test kinda girl! I want to understand the concept and be able to apply it practically!! I am in a group of Community Volunteers whose President has 20+ years in Comms in the Army. I own 2 of every radio he has presented to the group. I am master of NONE!! Barely able to turn some of them on!! Very frustrating!! I have purchased the Ham Study course. Literally, today, signed up for my GMRS license. Awaiting my call sign!! Looking forward to learning from you guys!!
Hello Mark! I’ll be looking for you on the air!
Hello Alfredo! Thanks for the welcome!
Hello John! Great to hear from a fellow NC person, even if you have temporarily moved to Florida.
I’ll be looking for you on the air!
Hi Dixie! Thanks for the kind words!
I got my Technician on October 3rd and just received my General on December 5th. The courses from Ham Radio Prep were absolutely what I needed to be able to pass the tests quickly. I’m like you in that I don’t want to just learn the answers to the questions. I want to learn the “WHY” to all of the subjects. If I understand the “WHY”, then I’m much more likely to remember the details forever, or at least be able to reason them out in my head.
I’ll be looking for you on the air once you get your Technician!