Hi, I am a technician and new to Ham radio

My grandfather, 2 uncles and cousin are hams. I just received my grandpa’s vanity, N6QDF and I’m always excited to use it on the local bored net. I have a Baofeng UV-5R, Yaesu FT-65R and a Yaesu FT1900R hooked up to a J-pole on the roof. Its been a lot of fun talking to my grandpa’s old friends and they are very proud of me for taking over his call. Ive met a lot of new friends and I’m working my first festival next month, anyway, 73!


Excellent news all around. I was hoping to get a relatives call but it seems while they were into shortwave listening, no one went on to get anything but a CB license. Keep us up to date.


Welcome to the club @mikeyagogo399 ! Thanks for joining and keep us posted!

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