Let’s start a head count for everyone heading to Hamvention 2025 and where they are from.
My Father, myself, and my two sons (4 of us total) will be heading to Xenia, OH again this year for our 4th year in a row. We all live in South Carolina and will be driving/carpooling up on Thursday the 15th.
So, who else is making the pilgrimage and where are you coming from?
I will be there!! Driving in from Georgia and will be working at the HRP and WRL booth. I’m looking forward to seeing you there @KO4WWG ! Thanks for getting the thread going!
The last I looked the Forum schedule had not been posted for this year. I would look through that schedule of topics, once available, and pick something you want to learn about and if you are only going to visit for a single day, use that to set your time there.
Otherwise, go visit James @N0WRL at the booth. Check out all of the cool equipment and technology being on display from venders and Companies like, ICOM, Yaesu, Kenwood, BuddiPole and the many, many others.
Finally, you must take a stroll through the Bone Yard. So much to see out there and really difficult to “consume” it in a single day.
Safe travels and have fun. Maybe those of us who make the trip can circle up for a coffee or something in the courtyard.
I just noticed that the icon associated with that link I shared shows 2024… sorta funny. That is the correct link to the Hamvention website, which shows the correct 2025 information.
CU was mixed. Some presenters didn’t want to share their secret sauce. First hour was spent on DX code of conduct. Frankly if you’re spending the money and the time to attend CU, you probably already know the DX code of conduct. Not something I’d attend yearly, but it sounds like the “extra” contest dinners and various extra activities outside of Hamvention are worth attending. They are VERY WELL supported by vendors/mfgs.