Hamcation 2025

Who will be in Orlando for the 2025 Hamcation. We’re going to be back with a Ham Radio Prep and World Radio League booth and are hoping to see the crowd there!


:raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:


WOOHOO looking forward to being at the booth with you @N4BFR !


I won’t be at that one - I’m not much of a traveler. I did go to Pacificon in 2024 but I don’t think I saw you guys there. You probably can’t go to all the events. If you were there and I missed you, sorry, my bad. :slight_smile:


@N4BFR, I haven’t done Hamcation yet. It is going to sound crazy, but if I go to that event, my wife will want to go and then I won’t be allowed to be a nerd all weekend and play radio.
She sure would love a trip to the beach. Having lived in Florida for over 8 years while in the Military, I’ve done most of the tourist things there. I could never go back to Disney and live a very happy life. I do like the ocean and beach, but Orlando is a long way away from that… Maybe I’ll look for a Condo or rental just north of St. Pete for next year and spend a week there… :thinking:
Good luck and Have Fun guys! 73


WS4BSA will be at Orlando Hamcation.


We haven’t been to Pacificon yes. Do you know how many people attend that one?

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I understand the YL issues!


When and where is this event at? Maybe able
To attend!


@Popsmoke Orlando Hamcation is Feb 7-9 at the Central Florida Fairgrounds.

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Hi Jim! Have gotten vary familiar with your voice over the past few months studying for the technician, general and now the Extra Class. Will be making the trip from Chattahoiochee FL to Orlando for the Hamcation 25. Dragging along a friend whom I referred to your coursework. He will probably be taking his technician exam at this event. Thanks for the help…see you there!


I’ll be there. Will look for the booth(s).

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Come on by and I’ll hook your friend up with a free book! We’re in the East hall.

Hey, we’re going to be doing a forum on Friday. Come on out and find out more about behind the scenes of WRL.