Passed my technician exam

Passed my technician exam should have a call sign soon. Ham Radio Prep made it easy to pass the test. Thanks for the study guide now on to my general test


Hi Russ,

Congratulations on passing your Technician exam! :tada: We’re so glad Ham Radio Prep made it easy for you. Best of luck with your General test—you’re on a roll! 73 and hope to hear you on the air soon!

Alfredo WP3C


Thanks Alfredo WP3C
I’m looking forward to getting up and going and making contacts.

Ham Radio is a contact sport


Very good news, well done.
Andy K3UK



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Thanks for the congrats :clap::tada:. I’ve been studying for the General license it’s so different. Electric stuff is not my forte I’m red green color blind and don’t do wiring stuff.



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I haven’t gotten my technician’s yet. Just wondering, did you use the free version or did you subscribe to use it?


How long did it take from passing the exam to getting listed in the FCC database. I also just passed my Tech and General, paid the FCC fees, and still waiting to see my listing in the database.

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Way to go friend…. On to your General…

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Kinda bummed still haven’t got my call sign yet all is paid but nothing on the site. Hopefully I will have it when I get my radio and antenna setup so I can transmit . Radioddity has black Friday deal on G90 with H1 holder and DE19 for $445.99 and VG4 antenna for $199.00 so I’m hoping to snag that for my setup

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Took my General license test the other day and was two questions from passing it .I will have to study harder for the the next time . I thought I had it down but I didn’t.

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