Great, what antennas did you use?
Alfredo WP3C
I use a 102’ doublet in an inverted V with a painters pole as a mast. A bit of a pain to setup and requires a tuner, but good performance and push button band changes.
Its original use was /P in the GAQP. Started out as 124’ long and worked on 160m in that configuration.
Excellent @KY4ID , thank you for the information. I have never done POTA, I hope one day to start doing it either here in Texas or in Puerto Rico
Alfredo WP3C
@WP3C FB! Would be great to hear a WP3 on the air. Not too many of those.
POTA is very addictive. It’s been a great thing for me and my family. It’s presented opportunities to do things outdoors with my wife/kids that I probably wouldn’t have done otherwise. For example, hiking/camping in the mountains the last three weekends.
It’s a great opportunity to spend time with the family as you say. I’m not sure about it here in Texas, however in Puerto Rico I’m aware that they do POTA.
I’m planning to do it soon.
Alfredo WP3C