My first POTA this morning

I finally bought a Wolf River Coils antenna and took the plunge into the world of POTA. The Texas wind tried its best to topple my antenna, so I used a thermos of iced tea as an anchor, secured to the tripod with a bungee cord. True story.

I lasted only 45 minutes in that wind, but I managed to log 69 contacts, including one from as far away as Hungary.

I just finished uploading the ADI file via HAMRS. That app works really well, and it doesn’t look like it was designed in 1998 like every other logging program. I’m very hopeful that the WRL logbook is even better than HAMRS. I look forward to transferring my QSOs to this new interface.

At any rate, POTA is super fun.


Congratulations on your activation and on the qso’s :clap:t4:

I am in TX right now and yes, it is very windy😶‍🌫️


Alfredo WP3C


POTA is a blast… Congrats on your first activation… Be careful its addicting…LOL


Yeah, that seems to be true. I’ve done two more since then and have another outing planned for the morning. The challenge sometimes is getting myself spotted on the POTA app, as phone connectivity at the park is spotty, at best.

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Once you make that first contact ask them to SPOT you. Once you are Spotted then people will spot you from time to time. Having phone connectivity makes it easier though.