Set Signal Reports to 599 for CW [IMPLEMENTED]

You all are doing a great job with the log but I have a couple of suggestions.

The default for the RST fields is 59. It would be nice if the default RST was 599 when logging CW contacts. It would just help to speed up logging in a pileup.

It would be nice to be able to set the location to a broader area than a city or 6 character grid square while operating mobile. Currently I haven’t been able to find a way to accurately log my location while mobile. It would be helpful if we could have a mobile setting where the location was just the state.



Hi Brian

You are right about the default value of 599 when using CW. I have already put it in for the developers to work on. About what you mention about the localization I don’t understand, can you give me more details?

Thanks for your suggestions :slight_smile:

Alfredo WP3C

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Track Location on Mobile App