Hi ARC members, we are looking to add a feature for a local club directory and create a portal where local club admins can manage their clubs, chat with members, recruit new members, etc
I’m curious if any ARC members here are also members of local clubs? Would this be something that would be useful? @VIP would be interested on your thoughts here!
A directory would be nice. It may make it easier to find one nearby, but as far as communications/management, I think it would be a benefit to smaller clubs, where resources are probably scarce for them. I’m a member of my local club, and it’s large and those functions are well established. But overall, getting another option for new hams to find a local club would be beneficial, to get involved locally is a great benefit. Being able to sit and talk to someone about something or issue, especially for me, has helped me learn beyond books and tests.
I’m a member of the Athens Radio Club. Here’s the info for those that are interested - be sure and check out the updated web page! Services: VE Sessions Specialties: / Address: P.O.Box 782
ATHENS, GA 30603-0782, County: Athens-Clarke Contact: JESS HICKEY, N4JAH Phone: (706)255-5636 E-mail:n4jah.radio at gmail.com Web:athensradioclub.org
I would suggest you consider a “club membership” status for WRL . A status where where club members can get a discounted membership that enables them to upload their logs, participate fully in WRL . Perhaps at a varying discounted rate for 10 members, 20 members, 30 members and so on. A member club would have the club secretary submit the names and callsigns of the club members wishing to join as a club member. I then think a feature where WRL shows the callsigns of individual club members that are live on air , will be very popular . Of course , it would be even better when/if WRL’s interface has a direct link to member’s radios and current QRG.
Andy K3UK
We could build a club directory with ability to add and manage members, and even have club call signs. This could link in with clubs participating in events, etc.!
Great idea!! I’m adding this to the roadmap for investigation