WRL CAT Control WORKING! - Icom IC-7610 and Macbook Pro

ICOM IC-7610 and Sequoia 15.2 running successfully with WRL CAT Control beta 1.0.0. I had to set the ICOM from CI-V AUTO to 115,200 and it fired right up on the /dev/tty.usbserial-120 port. The CAT software tracks the frequency changes from the radio, way cool.

Question: Is the Mac WRL app not integrated yet to utilize WRL CAT Control? Are the
WSJTX, N1MM and N3FJP apps the only ones configured to “listen” so far? I see nothing frequency-wise when I fire up the WRL app.

Thanks and this is a great start for those of us on a Mac. I use N1MM, but have to fire up my PC when I want to play in a contest. I have N3FJP as well on that PC, but prefer N1MM. Maybe I’ll give the PC and those apps a try later on today.

Dave, K6WDE