12.4.23 Feature Release: Find Ham Radio Operators in Your Area, ADIF Export, and More!

Hello everyone! We just had another major release including:

:round_pushpin:Find Ham Radio Operators In Your Area with the Member Directory
ADIF Export - one of our most requested features!
Home page updates, and much more!

Here is a demo video: https://youtu.be/qmkZ2UqFlj8

To find members near you:

  1. Go to https://app.worldradioleague.com
  2. Click on Member Directory
  3. Click on Find Members Near Me

We have a lot of awesome features on the roadmap, and we’ll be publishing a more official roadmap soon.

PLEASE do not hesitate to let us know any features you want to see, or if you notice any bugs. We are coding every day so we are happy to take suggestions!