ADIF Format of export

Exporting the logbook from WFD to ADIF, why such an obtuse format? Typical exports are linearly stacked in field sequence, you routine quashes each log event into a SINGLE row. For fine tuning the logs before submission I typically launch VSCode and tweak the content (dupe removal, field corrections, etc.). Or, I dump into Number, for review and such.
So my question, what lead to the decision to the output format? Plus why pad each row with the WRL index hash?

SPECIFICALLY, (my comments after the hash symbol)

Actual record exported:
<app_wrl_id:20>ozVZYr0eGXZDqY31gLzm <call:5>hidden <contest_exchange_1:2>3I <contest_exchange_2:2>DE <country:24>UNITED STATES OF AMERICA <distance:7>3697.37 <dxcc:3>291 <gridsquare:6>FM28en <lat:9>38.99 <lon:10>-75.62120099 <my_country:13>United States <my_gridsquare:4>DM14 <my_lat:9>31.812 <my_lon:11>-11.035 <my_name:12>ME <my_state:2>CA <qso_date:8>20250125 <rst_rcvd:2>59 <rst_sent:2>59 <state:2>DE <station_callsign:5>MY_CALLSIGN <time_on:4>1607 <eor>

A simpler perspective:

<app_wrl_id:20>ozVZYr0eGXZDqY31gLzm   ### INTERNAL FOR APP, not typical
  <call:5>hidden                 # contact made
  <contest_exchange_1:2>3I        # required for contest
  <contest_exchange_2:2>DE        # required for contest
  <country:24>UNITED STATES OF AMERICA  # not needed
  <distance:7>3697.37             # not needed for contest
  <dxcc:3>291                     # required for contest
  <gridsquare:6>FM28en            # nice to know, NOT required for contest
  <lat:9>38.9999                  # NOT required for contest, allows visual plot w/i app
  <lon:10>-75.999                 # NOT required for contest, allows visual plot w/i app
  <my_country:13>United States    # not needed
  <my_gridsquare:4>DM14           # my designation
  <my_lat:9>38.987                # my designation, usefull to plot
  <my_lon:11>-11.231              # my designation, usefull to plot
  <rst_rcvd:2>59                  # not required for this contest, others - yes
  <rst_sent:2>59                  # not required for this contest, others - yes
  <state:2>DE                     # contacts state
  <time_on:4>1607                 # nice, but not required for this event

My point of my thinking is if we submit a participation in some contest, for example, we just need to log our data of QSOs. After, contest is finished, the system has to automatically send QSO to a contest organization.
Thank you.

Sure, agree only certain bits of data are required by the contest folks, but my point was the unique format of the data that’s within the exported ADIF file. Extraneous data (wrl record index/hash value, and such).
Let’s see what the dev team comes back with.

99% of contests want the log to be in Cabrillo 3.0 format. Here’s an online converter.

Radio amateurs should not be involved in any exported formats, but only be amateurs and do QSO log through any HAM’s organization.