Log for NA QSO Party

It looks like log entries for the NA QSO party need to be in Cabrillo format. Is this correct? If so, is there an easy way to convert the WRL ADIF to Cabrillo?


Great question - I was curious about that as well. The contest has concluded and we have 7 days to upload logs. I was actually wondering that if members took part in the contest, would the logs automatically be generated by WRL and uploaded on our behalf. That, or we would get an email with a log export automatically. This was my first contest, so asking all the basics. We’ll see what those that know how this works, say. Hope you had a great time in the contest, I sure did!


It was a good time. I had a some problems with the WRL logger. I’ve been able to fix most of them with ADIF Master. I tried the converter at https://adif2cabrillo.com/ but I can’t get it to work properly. I’m hoping that I don’t have to manually enter all 248 QSOs.


@NE2B Our developers are actively working on the issues with ADIF exports, and we are hoping to have a fix released by later today or tomorrow! We’ll let you know after the fix has been released, and then maybe you can give adiff2cabrillo another try? We are also planning on implementing Cabrillo exports at some point, so keep an eye out for that!


Thanks. The frequency in the log kept changing by itself. I deleted inaccurate frequencies in the ADIF that I exported. For most of the time I was operating there were no contest exchange fields. I was editing the name in the log and sometimes it reverted to the name that came up automatically. Most of those will be broken contacts. I later found out that if you enter the log through the contest link there was a tab for the logbook. If I entered the logbook that way there were contest exchange tabs.
I exported the log and used adif master to repair what I could so that I could upload it to LOTW and QRZ. I can’t get this adif to convert to Cabrillo. Hopefully, after the fix I can export that and fix what I can to upload it for the contest. Otherwise, I may not submit the contest log.


Thank you so much for sharing these concerns! The import/export fix successfully passed the testing phase today, and it should be released by sometime tomorrow! In the mean time, you can use this video to help you edit the contacts that were logged incorrectly: https://youtu.be/9k-_kHW6pb8. That way, you should be able to fill in the exchange information and fix the frequencies before exporting. As for your other concerns, we are actively investigating the frequency and name issues. Also, we will soon be releasing a QSO Manager to help with editing contacts more easily and on a larger scale! I’m checking to see if Cabrillo exports will be included in that release or come later, but it is definitely planned! Thank you again for your help in reporting these issues! I hope this helps!
Andy N0APX
WRL Product Manager

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Thanks for looking into it. I will probably export it again and fix the log in adif master because I can see the whole log at once. It’s very time consuming to click on each contact to edit it 1 at a time. I spent a considerable amount of time editing contacts during the contest. The log contains accurate info. minus the missing names and frequencies. The info just isn’t in the contest exchange fields. I’ll try to get it uploaded for the contest because I don’t want to let the other operators down.


@NE2B Absolutely! I understand completely. I apologize for the issues and the hassle. We’ll work on sorting out the name and frequency issues, and the QSO Manager is coming quite soon as well!
As for the ADIF export fix, our developers released that today, so it should be functioning normally! Please let us know if you have any further issues, or if the problem is resolved. We very much appreciate your patience and assistance in working through this issue.
Andy N0APX
WRL Product Manager

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Hi Andy,

I’ve not tried to export the ADIF log and convert to Cabrillo yet, but I wondered. Is there a thought of adding an export to Cabrillo format.


Hello, @KQ4ONC!
Yes, most definitely! That is on the roadmap, and will hopefully be in development soon! We have plenty of exciting new features coming so stay tuned!
Andy N0APX
WRL Product Manager

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I exported the ADIF tonight and tried 2 different adif to cabrillo converters, adif2cabrillo.com and ADIF2CABR, with no luck. Has anyone else had any success?


I’ve also downloaded N1MM and Fast Log Entry and tried to use those to do the conversion. Neither of those worked.


@NE2B Can you send a copy of your ADIF file to andy@worldradioleague.com? I’d like to take a look at it.
Andy N0APX
WRL Product Manager

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I think time is about up to submit logs for the QSO party. Was anyone able to upload their WRL log?


I was able to upload mine. The Cabrillo converter I tried to use wasn’t working properly, so I ended up having to use an offline program and couple that with editing CSV and text files. I’m definitely looking forward to the Cabrillo export functionality in WRL!

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I’m still trying to figure out mine. I’ve put more time into the log than I did into the contest. I shouldn’t have participated without a logger capable of cabrillo.

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Really sorry about this Brian!! We are working around the clock to get this fixed! By the next contest we will absolutely have Cabrillo export working. I hope we can make this up to you and we will keep working until we get this all fixed for you.

This is all part of the growing pains of building a brand new ham radio app, thanks for being part of this journey with us.


HI Andy,

I didn’t get mine uploaded either, had multiple errors with converters I found online. It would be ideal, though a programmatic challenge, to have the ability to export a correctly formatted export file for “every” contest. That being said, it would certainly make using this platform a good choice for those that are into contesting. I enjoyed the NA QSO Party. It was my first contest. It would be good to have the logging / exporting resolved. From a feature perspective, could you imagine the ability to automatically format a members log file correctly and either give the user the ability to export it for manual upload, or an automated conversion and upload function added to the contest dashboard page (drop down from ADIF export option area). One click contest submission - that would be wild. I’d be very happy with a contest formatted log file export that I could upload myself.


@KQ4ONC These are GREAT ideas! let me share them with the team, and see how much we can reasonably implement. We may need to try and coordinate with some of the contest organizers for direct submissions, but we could probably at least start with downloading correctly formatted logs and re-directing straight to the contest upload page. Thanks for the fantastic feedback here!
Andy N0APX
WRL Product Manager

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I’m glad to be here, Thanks for listening.