The Athens Radio Club will again be hosting ARRL Field Day. This year we will be outside at Fire Station #7, and will again be operating under the special event call sign W4G. Field Day officially runs from 1400 25Jun22 - 1700 26Jun22 (local)
As with all other ARC events, this is a family friendly event, and you are encouraged to bring your family and friends out to show them the fun and excitement of our hobby.
We will begin setting up mid-morning on Saturday 25Jun, and will break down after the event ends on Sunday evening. Here is a link to a signup page. Please let us know when you plan to be there, and what “goodies” you can provide for the event. Additional details will be forthcoming, so keep an eye on the website and
Let’s carry the momentum of N1D forward to our next club event…Wild 4 Georgia Field Day 2022 .
Jesse Hickey N4JAH
Athens Radio Club - President
Georgia ARES
Clarke County ARES
ARC Repeater 145.330 (-) PL 123.0
(706) 255-5636