Hello from General License in Dayton, OH USA

Hello! My name is Robert. I am pretty excited to have a modern virtual community to be a part of. I am a thirty-something, so I’m still excited to learn all that the hobby has to offer.

I have an ICOM 718 for HF in the shack, a Yaesu 857D for mobile HF operation, and a Kenwood D72a for VHF. There are a couple more toys in the shack, but they aren’t currently in use.

I really enjoy packet radio, but also enjoy many of the other digital modes (particularly FT-8, JS8, and PSK31). I’d like to start doing more SSB voice from the field this year though. I spend most of my time on 20m at home (hamstick dipole), and 10/20m in the field with a OPEK 400HVT “tapped” antenna (not the best, but its quick and works…)

Anyways, feel free to send me a PM if you want to chat; I can share some of my social details. If you’re a gamer, either on the computer or tabletop, be sure to let me know.

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