Say HELLO and Introduce Yourself!

Here is a place where you can introduce yourself to other members of the World Radio League. Tell us what class of license you hold or what courses you are studying. What radios do you have? What are your favorite bands to operate on? How long have you been licensed? We’d love to get to know you!


I’m one of the elmers here at American Radio Club. I’ve been licensed 40 years this year and prefer VHF/UHF over HF. I operate on all bands from 6 meters through 1296 MHz, including 902 MHz. I love digital modes such as DMR, P25, Fusion, NXDN and more. When I am on HF, I still have a tendency to love 10 meters. There is a lot of fun working 10-meter repeaters! I hope you all have a great experience with the American Radio Club.


I’m Steve K1CSM and I live in southeast Louisiana. I started my radio journey when I joined the U.S. Army in 1979 and trained as a Radio Teletype Operator with Morse Code Qualification. I was assigned to Signal Corps positions world-wide but switched specialties in 1985 for career progression. I went on to complete my 30 year career in 2009 as a Command Sergeant Major in the Combat Engineers.

I always loved my time as a radio operator and in retirement started in Ham Radio, getting licensed in 2016. Currently working towards my General Exam. I have a focus on satellite operations and last year put together a great satellite antenna system but the tower was still in progress when Hurricane Ida took down my whole system last August. Just waiting for spring to start rebuilding. I look forward to communicating with others here and sharing stories and experiences!


Welcome aboard, @K1CSM! Glad to have you here. Thank you for your service, too. I am sure you have great things you can draw on as you further yourself in amateur radio. 73

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Thank you @N2DUP, and it was an honor to serve. I look forward to the experience!


Hey all!

I’m Paul and live in Burlington, MA. My father always wanted me to get my license when I was a boy, but I always lost interest when it came to the Morse code. Besides, it was more fun to use his radios when he wasn’t around! Anyway, he passed many years ago and I finally got my Technician’s license last fall. I did get my father’s call sign (W1EQM) and have one of his vanity plates from the early 70s.

I’m trying to find my way in this hobby and am just starting out. Right now I’m at the slightly overwhelmed stage of “where do I start?” The only local club is at Mitre in Bedford, but their meetings are on company site and too early for me to get there. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hello Paul! Let me start with a question, is there something that interests you in particular from the Technician class? I can help you with a few suggestions if you are interested.

I looked up Bedford and it doesn’t look to be too far outside of Boston, have you checked into the Boston ARC? You can find other clubs at: Instead of a city go to the “ARRL Section” field and select Eastern Massachusetts and that will get you a few more options.

I’m getting really verbose here, but if you can get into the city on a Sunday, MIT has a cool flea market, the next one is April 17. (Swapfest: The Flea at MIT · The MIT Radio Society) I visited there once and was really happy with what I found, but if you aren’t looking to buy you are still meeting hams you might get info from.

Also, congrats on getting your dad’s call!

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I had the same issue years back with the morse code. Been a AM DXer for many years. Finally, after about 40 years, i am going for my technician licence.


Hi everyone!
I’m Angelina and I am currently a high school student living in Los Angeles, CA. I got interested in HAM Radio about 6 months ago when my friend told me about their license, and so I can fly FPV drones. Since I am planning to major in Engineering in college, I hope learning about the science and engineering principles of radio could help prepare me for college. I received my Technician’s license with HAM radio prep (KN6QAT), and am currently studying for my general right now. I loaned a Baofeng radio from my local HAM radio club, and have played around with it a bit.

Since I am just starting out, I would appreciate any recommended resources for me to learn more about the hobby. I really want to be involved in Emergency Communications, but have no idea on how to get started. I’m also thinking of building my own antenna from scratch. Please let me know if you all have any ideas on how to get started, and I look forward to getting to know all of you!


Good morning! My name Is Brian, living in the Greenville, South Carolina area. Last year, a friend of mine got me interested in HAM Radio, I passed my technician’s license (KO4UFQ) in the fall of last year (Using Ham Radio Prep app). I am currently studying for the General test. I enjoy networking and look forward to learning from all of you! Thanks for starting the ARC!


Welcome Brian and thanks for using the app! Welcome to the new platform :slight_smile:

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Good Morning! My name is Brandon Ashley. I am from southern Indiana. I’m currently taking the Technician course. Taking the Technician License exam on March 13. Then following up with my General course. I’m getting into Ham late into the game, but I am doing it for survival purposes so I can have means of communications if the grid would happen to go down and to have some fun with it. I already got my son excited about it and hopefully can teach him.


I’m Jim N4BFR and I am an elmer with the American Radio Club as well. I have been licensed since 2008 and I generally spend more time on HF than UHF/VHF but I am proficient at both.

When I am on the air I am either participating in something like POTA or chasing points in a QSL party or contest on HF. I do get on the local Metro Atlanta nets.

I’ve enjoyed working on the content here on the American Radio Club site and I hope to keep telling stories about Ham Radio.

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Hiya Brandon! Welcome to the hobby. I think General is a great level to shoot for. I know lots of folks who are into the ham world for “when the stuff hits the fan.” Keep taking those practice tests and you should be great when you take the exam.

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Welcome @hossdogg82 ! I was where you are just a few years ago. I got my first handheld (aka HT) and made my first contacts on local repeaters. Now, I’m going to getting my first mobile station up and running on my truck. I also am into off-grid communications. @JimWRL is one of the elmers here who is helping me out. Thanks so much for joining!!


:wave: Hey everyone. I’m Casey (KI5MDP) and based in Texas. I’m currently Technician certified, beginning in 2020. I’m still very much a newbie to the radio world and the only radio(s) I own are handheld Baofeng(s).

My primary interest lies in communication between my family and friends during extreme / disaster circumstances. My priority is to establish a protocol for communications among us when all other mediums fail (and of course to distribute hardware to those folks ahead of time).


Hello there, i’m Dan (K7NGS) from Seattle, I recently passed my tech and general and am embarking on HF.

I have a deep (20year) background in linux and am currently using an IC-705 with a linux laptop.




@K7NGS I used to be a big linux guy myself (but red hat haha). That is awesome! I’m purchasing my first ICOM next week actually. I’m in Atlanta myself

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@satyr thanks so much for joining! I am also a proud Baofeng owner (can’t beat the price). We are working on a new video for Simplex that will be REALLY helpful for getting started. We will be posting soon and we’ll be sure to give you a heads up.


Hello. My name is Andy (K4VED). I’m based out in San Antonio, TX. I got my general license in 2021 and figure this summer i’ll get my Amateur Extra. I currently only really use handhelds, but I’m working on figuring out what I can hide in my attic for doing some HF work, I have some ideas (My HOA really hates antennas).

I am a CISO by trade, starting as a linux admin, so figuring out how to tie everything from the HAM world into my IT world is my ultimate goal, but I don’t really know what I’m thinking on that yet, still exploring to see what others have done!

My fantasy has always been to build an emergency radio trailer that I can take into disaster areas and be helpful. :safety_vest: