I’ve been a Ham for a few years now and have a good understanding of the hobby.
Living west of San Antonio in the hill country. I love low power (5-20 watts) and have talked all over the planet wherever my 80/10 OCF dipole will get me.
Look forward to catching y’all on the air on SSB or digital or WinLink.
I will be QRV at the ARRL RTTY Roundup which is the other weekend. I look forward to working you on the bands. 73’
Alfredo WP3C
I’ve not done RTTY. Sounds interesting though.
You working the RTTY Round up from TX or your QTH?
Right now you don’t find anyone on RTTY but in the contests it’s crazy. The frequencies are full.
Alfredo WP3C
Watching 6m & RTTY vid’s now
I use N1MM with MMTTY
Alfredo WP3C
I saw N1MM on a video but only that one. One better than the other or do they have specific purposes?
I use N1MM only for contests. An RTTY contest, I use both (N1MM and MMTTY) but to start you can download MMTTY and configure it and practice this weekend in the ARRL RTTY.
I will see my team Thursday at our January club meeting and talk to my RTTY man Jim Froemke. I’m thinking he may be joining in on the Round Up.
If so, I’ll invite myself to come watch and learn how the RTTY model works and make a contact or two
I’ve always wanted to get on RTTY. Wish there were more on outside of contest times.
Once the new tablet comes in, I’ll put the RTTY programs on it along with WSJT-X and WinLink on it.
Hopefully I can talk Jim into operating the Roundup Saturday at the clubhouse so I can give it a try.
That’ll be rad. I’ll be working most of the weekend but will definitely hop on to at least monitor the bands during the contest.
I have a VE session Saturday at 1:00PM.
I plan to get to the clubhouse around 10:00 AM
Good, get some new people one the air!
I remember in the late 90s there was a lot of activity in RTTY and PSK31. As the years passed, new modes arrived and things changed. Right now the only thing that RTTY has alive are the contests.