Hello everyone! I’m a new member of the American RC but, I’ve been a ham since I was 13 years old. I’m now 65! I live in the rolling lands of Tipton County TN which is a rural area West of Memphis. I have 2 - 65’ towers up on my acreage and several long wire antennas and a vertical mounted in the center of my metal barn.
I’m a member of the Delta Amateur Radio Club, the ARRL and I’m a very experienced pilot.
I have over 27 years in the Air Guard flying C-130s, own a Piper PA-32 Cherokee 6, and still fly charter and corporate jets. I have an Icom 2 meter rig installed in my airplane and can talk to many a ham from 10,000’.
I currently own a new Anytone mobile DMR and will be installing it in my pick up. My currently HF radio line ups are a Pegasus SDR, ICOM and Yaesu HF solid states, a full Heath SB series station with SB-220 amp, a full KWM-2 Collins station with linear, 2 complete Hallicrafter’s stations, a fully operational Henry Linear, and a whole bunch of other “stuff”. I still believe the old radios that “glow” have better performance and are actually more fun to power-up, tune-up, run and keep repaired.
I’ve still not figured out how to get the old HF radios to operate out of the airplane!
I look forward to getting to know many of you. If you hear my call on the air, just give me a hollar…that’s what it’s all about!
Thanks and 73,