How to View All QSOs in One Place (QSO Manager)

Either a bug or a feature request: Having a built-in log or a section of the app that lists all QSOs across all individual logs would be excellent. I appreciate that this represents a huge list for many amateur radio operators, but then again I see some operators have thousands of contacts per log, so large lists shouldn’t be a problem. (Also noting this should not represent a complex database operation although time-consuming if the schema doesn’t account for such searches). As for the possibility that this might be a bug, I attempted to create an “all QSO’s” log manually by exporting and importing ADIF files from WRL into a single logbook, and it’s clear that either dupes across all logbooks are being excluded purposely or this is just a bug. I will file a bug report from the app if so informed.
While this may be an edge “nice to have” enhancement/feature, I could see many interesting analytic aspects to such a view, providing temporal, by frequency, by QTH, etc. breakdowns outside of individual contests, activations, etc.

@WB6GJE this exists today!

It is called QSO Manager:

We will be adding more analytics / mapping across all contacts as well on the Analytics page

Thanks James! I was under the (mistaken) impression that the QSO Manager view only displayed contacts that were matched by the other station in WRL. ++1 on adding more analytics to this view.

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You’ve got it! Work is in progress :muscle: