Feature Request - Shared logbook for Contest/Special Event

The title says it all. With the upcoming Ohio QSO party I will be operating in a team and may not be using WRL due to team logging. Would love to see a way to share a logbook live time with someone.


Hi Ian :wave:t3:

Thanks for your suggestion. I have already added it to the ‘Feature Request’ list, and we will be working on it :slight_smile:

Alfredo WP3C


Any update on this? The Michigan QSO party is coming up and our club does an 8 Transmitter station. It would be great to use WRL vs N3FJP for a more modern experience, but we need to run it on multiple machines at the same time. Thank you

Hi @KC8SWY , you can create a club account with World Radio League, and then share the password with all 8 members.

Then, you can all log into the same logbook and it will work!

There may be some limitations, but we had lots of clubs do this for Winter Field Day :slight_smile:

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