The title says it all. With the upcoming Ohio QSO party I will be operating in a team and may not be using WRL due to team logging. Would love to see a way to share a logbook live time with someone.
Hi Ian
Thanks for your suggestion. I have already added it to the ‘Feature Request’ list, and we will be working on it
Alfredo WP3C
Any update on this? The Michigan QSO party is coming up and our club does an 8 Transmitter station. It would be great to use WRL vs N3FJP for a more modern experience, but we need to run it on multiple machines at the same time. Thank you
Hi @KC8SWY , you can create a club account with World Radio League, and then share the password with all 8 members.
Then, you can all log into the same logbook and it will work!
There may be some limitations, but we had lots of clubs do this for Winter Field Day
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