My wishlist for WRL [FEATURE REQUESTS]

This looks like an exciting project and one that can go places sites like QRZ should have developed into, but which have rested on their laurels.

I have had a poke around and like what I see.

I have also come across somethings which I think will make the site instantly more usable and appealing. I do a lot of operating off line in fields. I don’t, therefore, log online, though I do keep copies of mu log online in various repositories (QRZ, ClubLog, eQSL, LoTW, etc.). Having to upload ADIF files to each of these sites would be a real pain. As a result I have found a great logging system called RumLogNG - I just upload once and it can then distribute my additions to the relevant online logs for me. Many logging packages are capable of doing this now.

Can we do this with your site, instead of having to rely on uploading ADIFs?

Could we also have a Wishlist that people can vote for - I make a recommendation, 400 members vote for it and you put it on your development list - the number of votes determining the priority. Obviously, you pick a large number of High scoring wishes, a smaller number of Medium and a few Low scoring wishes each revision - or people get bored. Just an idea.

Many thanks.

Derek (G7LFC)


Hello @G7LFC :wave:t3:

Thanks for your comments and suggestions, I already shared them with the developers and staff :slightly_smiling_face:

Alfredo WP3C

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@G7LFC these are really awesome suggestions.

We are currently updating the community and I’ll see if we can make a way where people can vote on features. Thanks for being a member!

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