73 to you all, newly registered here. I really like the idea, I’ll do my best to keep my logbook reasonably up to date here.
However I’ve hit some issues while registering and completing my profile, especially in the location part:
I really wish we could enter GPS coordinates directly, this doesn’t seem to be allowed. I usually work portable in the middle of nowhere so there’s no “street address” to use
I tried entering locator grid names but it behaves strangely. If I enter JN18AS it puts me at a completely different (and wrong) location. I need to enter grid name as JN18as (two last letters in lowercase)
I tried using the map but for the sake of me I couldn’t figure out how to mark my location. A single mouse click does nothing. Double click zooms in.
Thanks for any tip if I missed something
73s de F4LDT - Alain
@F4LDT Thank you so much for your suggestions and for alerting us to these issues! It helps a lot! I’ll pass this on to the team and we’ll work on improving this experience for you. A couple of quick questions:
What OS were you using (Windows/MacOS/Linux/ChromeOS)?
I really wish we could enter GPS coordinates directly, this doesn’t seem to be allowed. I usually work portable in the middle of nowhere so there’s no “street address” to use
This first point we will register as a feature request so we can work it there.
I tried entering locator grid names but it behaves strangely. If I enter JN18AS it puts me at a completely different (and wrong) location. I need to enter is as JN18as (two last letters in lowercase)
The second request seems like a bug, we’ll investigate and confirm.
I tried using the map but for the sake of me I couldn’t figure out how to mark my location. A single mouse click does nothing. Double clic zooms in.
@N0APX I created a development task to fix the map so that a single click sets the location, so we can go ahead and get this fixed ASAP.
@N0APX Thanks for your reply.
I was using Chrome on Linux but I kind of doubt that the underlying o/s makes a difference.
I’ll give it a try on a Windows machine, though
@N0XOR Sorry if I was unclear.
I’m referring to the “Update Operating Locations” feature here, not the logbook entry.
I work 95% from a few portable spots, so I wanted to make this visible in my profile.
Thank you! Just wanted to cover all the bases and gather any relevant information as we go through the process of eliminating bugs. Thanks a ton for your help!