Improvement to the QSO Map Feature

It would be nice to be able to expand the map display. As it is, I can only see a portion of my QSOs (e.g. not any far east or west from my location). Also it would be nice if it opened to the viewer’s part of the world (I’m in the western US and it opens to Europe/Asia/Africa). These would be nice-to-have updates.

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Hi Bill

Are you referring to this map?

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Yes, that’s the one. I noticed someone else asked that the “pin map” be enlarged - so I guess my request is a duplicate.


Thanks for replying, Bill, and for your suggestion. I’ll check if someone has already requested the same, and if not, I’ll add it to our roadmap.

Thanks again! 73’

Alfredo WP3C


I saw the other comment on this in the Logbook Feedback section, written by KC5IOA.


@KO6BLI We have this feature coming!

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While the first two images duplicate that when opening WRL, it opens to this portion of the world instead of the viewers. Opening to the viewers location instead of having to move it over would be ideal. Also, It would be nice if Globe was not so dark. And Finally, On the last Image, once I press share it opens to this view (FANTASTIC). Although, I confess I found it by accident as I do not typically think about sharing, but rather like to take a Quick Look at the map full screen. (Btw, This is not available on the app)