What can you do with the hamshack program that can be used on monitor with solar flux,ect.
What else is possible to use it for.
Good morning
There are a few things to use it for.
You can check out and track all satellites on the screen. If you are trying to contact them, it will show you the time and location base on what ever one you setup.
You can set it up for dx spotting,
you can track northern lights ( auroras).
I have on the bottom a scrolling Markee for radio news so it lets you see what is going in the radio world.
Good suggestion. I’m not sure what OS you are running @W4SBX but consider GPredict.
thanks for the info i will check it out
It is an all-in-one Ham Clock device, hardware and software. Nice little linux based unit that provides plenty of useful information for amateur radio to include tracking gray line, band propagation , satellites, weather, solar weather and more. You do have to provide your own monitor.
I have one and like it. Much less expensive than a Geochron, but also doesn’t do quite as much.
73, Lee KO4WWG
Another cool ham/space related item for your shack is the ISS Above:
I have one and I use it for ISS pass tracking.