I want to get into DX, contesting and maybe emergency ham radio. I’ll be testing for my tech and then Gen. So I can do contesting and such. I want to use the best and latest tech.(because it is an investment I don’t want to purchase junk). What set up should I go with and why? I’m favoring the Yaesu 991-A and want to build off of that system.
I like that radio for a new ham, and I bought a similar one (FT897) when I was getting started. It gives you HF plus FM on 2 M and 70 CM. It is one of the 5 we listed in our beginners radios guides: Top 5 HF Ham Radios for Beginners – Ham Radio Prep
Thank you. I watch your videos religiously. They are very helpful. I picked up a Yaesu FT-65 handheld that you recommended. I also listen to your audible books too. Your material is great. 73
I personally love the 991A. A great shack in a box. I use the 991 for portable operations. I would be hard pressed to r3ecommend a better radio.
I’m glad it’s working for you! Thanks for your comments!
Good Morning from Florida @KO4AON, The Yaesu 991A is an outstanding radio! But, if your able to passing both Technician and General on the same day, you may want the FTDX10D, its incredible! Welcome and best of luck on your testing. You can do it.
Good to know. Thanks! 73
It was my first rig and I love it!
I bought the 991A as my first radio because it had great reviews and had the VHF/UHF for starting out talking on the local repeaters and then when learning more about ham radio had the HF to use. In my opinion it is the perfect radio for those that aren’t sure how involved they want to get into ham radio when starting out but don’t want junk and prefer something that is quality and they can grow into. It has been such an amazing radio to me, I never bothered to upgrade the radio and still use it as my main radio, portable & POTA all in one. I ended up investing in a two module audio transport case (which 991A fits perfectly in ) and included battery so that all I now have to do is pick up the case and go. If you go with the 991A you will NOT be disappointed. In my opinion it us an underrated radio. Having said all that it is “an all rounder” and not the best at anything. The FT710 has a superior receive audio as it is newer technology, so worth consideration and is FANTASTIC value for the performance you get, but you’ll then have to get a VHF/UHF radio as well (which you may already have). There is no one answer for what to get so suggest researching as much as possible and go for the one that you like the best and meets your needs. What I can tell you from experience though is the 991A is a great radio that you will be able to talk around the world on and easy to take anywhere you go on holidays etc. I have had the radio 2.5 years now and have had no problems at all with it. There is a lot to learn with all of its functions to get the best reception, which is half the fun of amateur radio. If you have the cash the FTDX10 (HF only) is the way to go as it is still ok as a portable radio for emergency situations and is packed with the latest and greatest technology. Wish you well in this great hobby of amateur radio, am sure you are going to have a lot of fun.
Lots to consider! I must admit I like the Swiss Army version of things, so the 991A sounds very enticing. I’m also impatient at times. Lol I like convenience. The portability is very nice feature.
I’m going to research the FT 710 more since you brought it up and I haven’t yet.
I bought this transceiver from last year and so like it. I work now only on SSB mode. So, this radio gear is great choice. I used to set up it suggestions from Youtube video.
Let say goodluck and 73!