Has anyone using windows had any problems downloding the new cat program
I am going to ask the dumb question… What new CAT application?
World Radio League has started a cat program for radio control. Hoping to be able to use it one day
I was able to download it no issues. Took a couple minutes to determine the correct port settings for my G90, but I am able to rx/tx in WSJT-X. This being in beta stage, I don’t know if it is currently restricted to those involved in the beta testers program. I’m sure one of the team can pop in to let us know for sure.
I just went and looked, sure enough there is an integrations area that contains CAT Control. I will now be working on this, once I get my antenna back up.
73, Lee KO4WWG
Give it a shot and let us know guys! We just released this yesterday in BETA. If you have any issues just let us know.
Could you get with me on the setup for your G90, I also am running a G90 and would love to get my setup working. My profile page KJ5FWC and my QRZ page are valid.
I downloaded and installed and it will pass the " test radio connection" as long as wsjtx or ham radio deluxe is not running. Once I have everything else closed, and run WRL CAT, it will pass the test radio connection button, and then when I click " start listening" it asks if I want to disconnect in order for WJSTX to connect. I say yes, and it just sits there, does nothing. I then manually start WSJTX and it runs as normal, but I don’t have any interaction with WRL CAT.
I can show you right here. Go to the below website and look under the section “How do I get started with FT8 at least”
It gives an overview of the settings for the radio in that section. Only difference is with the Mode. Set that to U-D instead of USB (USB-Data if I recall correctly)
You will also need the DE19 or CE19 USB-Radio interface. I mostly see G90’s sold paired with this device but if you did not buy yours with the interface you will need to buy one. Also, buy some ferrite cores from Amazon as you may need one to eliminate RF interference on the USB cable.
Screenshots of my WSJT-X settings below:
Obviously use your callsign and gridsquare here!
The COM port may vary depending on which USB port you plug into on your computer.
Under device manager for your computer:
Again, the COM port number may vary but I think the description should be the same.
Audio settings. These devices will only show up when you plug in the USB cable.
WRL - CAT control settings:
Again, COM port number may vary but use the 19200 baud rate.
It’s possible you may need to change WSJT-X settings to match your radio and the COM port settings in the WRL - CAT app.
Thank you, that is exactly what I was looking for. I have the DE19 and could get it work with FLRig but never with WSJTX, the direct solution looks much simpler and with the integration into WRL I can finally get going on FT8.
I may try tonight or tomorrow depending on XYL commitments.
With FLRig you have to use the “FLRig” radio in WSJT-X.
FLRig does have some control functions that are not implemented yet in WRL-CAT, like split operation, being able to trigger the antenna tuner, and turning the pre-amp and attenuation on and off. Besides split operation, nothing you can’t trigger using the buttons on the radio, so not a show stopper.
@KQ4SFG For beta version 1, we wanted to get basic functionality (frequency read/write) out right away. We’re planning on many more features in coming updates. Please send us any suggestions!
@N7PVW Currently, the WSJT-X integration is meant for logging your contacts directly from WSJT-X to your World Radio League logbook. In that scenario, the WRL CAT functionality is disabled so it won’t interfere with WSJT-X.
Ok, I tested it out yesterday, and it didn’t. However, I may have to wait for someone smarter than me to show me the settings for the FTDx10
Found this on Yaesu’s site for setting the radio up for FT8. You may have already found this but just in case.
Thanks! I do use FT8 successfully, it accounts for over 50% of my contacts. I’m not having luck with this CAT control though. When I make an FT8 Contact, WSJT-X prompts me to log it. I fill in the contact info, click log contact, and it sends it to my HRD Logbook, and that in turn sends it to my QRZ. However, this new CAT program doesn’t do anything. When I want to test it out, I turn my radio on. I then turn on this cat control, and I “test connection”. It connects just fine. Then, I click “listen” and it asks if I want to disconnect so WSJT-X can use the com. I say yes, proceed as normal, and log to HRD / QRZ, but nothing changes here on WRL. I’ve gone into WSJT-X and looked at my port setting, the UDP port is 2237, as is the one in WRL CAT. I also have a checkmark in Secondary UDP Server to enable logged contact ADIF broadcast. That port is 2333. I’ve tried them both, neither does anything. Thanks for trying to help!
I thought that might be the case but I figured I would throw it out there. Honestly it sounds like the same issue I have using Gridtracker with WRL-Cat. WSJT-X works fine but Gridtracker doesn’t appear to be seeing the signal to receive and decode. With FLRig both work as they should.
funny that you mention that, because when I was trying to use WRLCAT again this afternoon, my grid tracker would not work. Turned WRLCAT off and grid tracker fired right back up. Thanks for trying to help!