Newbie Equipment Thoughts

I’m retired and completely new to the HAM Radio world and will be testing for my Technician license tomorrow. After I pass it (Happy thoughts, lol), I want to start out with doing POTA and FT8 and I have no Ham equipment yet. After my research this is what I was thinking of purchasing and would appreciate some guidance/thoughts: Xiegu G90, GRA-7350TC antenna with tripod, 30Amp Power Supply, and the Digirig for FT8. Of note I have HOA restrictions and I also RV some during the year, so mobility is important. Thanks!


All of that would work well. 30 amp power supply is good but might be overkill for POTA and that radio. A radio with a built in sound chip and USB port makes digital modes easier than using a Digirig, but also costs more.
Andy K3UK.


Yeah, the G90 only needs 8 amps but if you plan on adding the Xiegu (or other brand) amp the extra capacity would be good to have.


I passed my Tech today and thanks all for the great feedback. I watched some reviews and I got the “THE REEL POTA-ble EFHW ANTENNA” to start with. I was thinking that I may not get a power supply but get a 10ah to 20ah battery with charger that I can use at the house and for POTA/FT8. If I get hooked on the hobby I figured I can build on this. Also I’m going to start working on my General exam now to get it done too. Keep the thoughts and guidance coming!