QRZ Import Bug [In Progress]

This is happening from my log exports from WRL


Last month we updated out LoTW system to better support operators that log from multiple locations, This means additional data from each QSO is processed by TrustedQSL instead of taking this data from your “Station Location” (or logbook settings). Whatever application you are using to log with before uploading your QSOs to QRZ is logging your state (province) incorrectly as “New Brunswick” the ADIF standard only allows specific enumerated values in this field that have a maximum length of 3 characters as a result your state gets processed as “New” which is obviously invalid. You will need to update your local application to log this information correctly, the existing records will also need to be corrected before they can be sent to LoTW

What software are you using to log locally?

73, The QRZ Support Team

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Hi Stuart, we will work on this right away!

It sounds like we just need to update the State in the ADIF to the abbreviation for New Brunswick instead of the long name.

Thanks for your patience, we will get this solved :pray:

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I’ll watch for this to be resolved. As of right now, this bug won’t allow me to continue using this solution, which is a shame, because I was really starting to like it :slight_smile:

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Any update on this…waiting to use the product more…but can’t until this is confirmed as resolved.

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@N0APX tagging you here!

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Hey, @VE9CF!

Apologies for the delayed response!

Yes, this is resolved!
Please give it a try, and let us know if you have any further issues!

Andy N0APX
WRL Product Manager

I will try it in the morning

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