QSO map shows wrong location of my operating position [FIXED]

I’m operating from Ruidodso New Mexico (DM73) and logged FT8 and FT4 contacts here but it looks like my location is off the coast of Africa. How can I get it to map my current location?



If you click on “Find my location” does it update the map or not?

Alfredo WP3C


nothing happened and the same location shows off the coast of Africa lol


I am in TX right now and did a test and it works fine for me. @N0WRL , when you can, we need you here :wave:t3:

Alfredo WP3C


I’ll d/l this on my laptop when I get home. See if that solves the issue. It didn’t work on them phone or the tablet.
No sweat, it’s cool operating from Africa :joy:


Hahaha it would be cool to be operating from Africa!

I’m working on getting this fixed for you, I’ll keep you posted! :slight_smile:


Before you log your next contact, can you try reclicking the button that says “Find My Location”?


So I just tried this on my android tablet since I have not used it with WRL before.
I am using Chrome browser.
Upon clicking (Find My Location) nothing was happening for me either. I noticed that location services was off in my chrome browser settings and on the tablet settings itself. Once I allowed access I closed the WRL site and chrome, then reopened. After that I retried the (Find My Location) and it autopopulated my grid with the appropriate one. My last log was in another grid, so that could be your fix. Try it out and if you get hung up, give me a call.


TNX @KI5YHO :slight_smile:

Alfredo WP3C


Ok, here is where I am at today. I set up a test QSO w/o any “my grid sq” location and pressed the “Find my location” button and it showed me in Winters, Texas. ( way north above my actual location) and it showed a large humber of members in that location. 70+.
I then deleted that one and made another test QSO and this time I put my grid sq in and it found me at my current location.


Went at this in another way. I made a test QSO in a new logbook with zero entries and completed the QSO info request boxes except the “my grid sq”. I pressed “Find my location” and it said “no contacts found” and didn’t display my location. Not sure if this is how this is supposed to work or not, just my observations. Enjoying this all the same.


I’ve been tracking this.
It does appear that KI5IQE is showing up in the appropriate location on the MEMBER DIRECTORY map view now.
Thanks for putting in the work dev team!


I put WRL on my shack PC. Works as you designed it. It seems to have been something that happened when I initially set up that logbook. My SSB and FT8 logbooks are functioning fine.
I’m going to make a new FT4 log and port those into the new FT4 log (since I have both FT4 & 8 in that original logbook). Thx for the support everyone :+1:. Joe KI5IQE


Was this ever resolved. I am located in NJ and it shows all my qso’s originating in Kansas

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Hello. I imported my qso’s from QRZ and the location shows as Kansas. I am in NJ.
thanks in advance K1PAL

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I notified the developers. Thank you

Alfredo WP3C

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Thank you. Greatly appreciated.

Pete K1PAL


Hi Pedro! There have been a bunch of new location feature updates, so hopefully everything is working as expected now. Let us know if you see any other issues and we’ll work on them right away!

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Imported from iFTx on separate occasions and shows I’m in China on the map. I checked the log files and it shows correct grid square EM65hf. Deleted log, uploaded again. Still in China.


Hi Gabriela :wave:t3:

I will report this to our developers and inform you once there is an update. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and we apologize for the inconvenience. 73’

Alfredo WP3C