Store for WRL SWAG and stickers/decals

I would like to suggest you setup a “store” of some sort accessible from both the website and mobile apps. Offer t-shirts, decals, pint glasses, log books or journals (to be transferred later) and that sort of stuff.

Honestly, I just want to get some high quality stickers to start placing around different locations and on hardware. The decals should be die-cut indoor/outdoor vinyl. Also they should be metallic and shiny, so they stand out.

73 Lee KO4WWG

Hey @KO4WWG we have a shared store here with Ham Radio Prep!

Right now we have mugs, hats, band-plans, and t-shirts. Here are a few favorites:

We don’t have any logbooks or journals yet, that’s a really good idea. Some really high quality stickers is also a good idea!

If you have anything in particular that you REALLY want, let me know and we can prioritize it!

73 and thanks for being a VIP and for all your help with suggestions, it really means a lot.