SWR is erratic on 70 cm yagi

I have a 70cm, 3 element beam on a 35 foot tower and 60 feet of feed line. Why is the SWR so erratic?


Hi Timothy,

To start ruling things out, can you try connecting a different coax to it?


I concur with WP3C. If you observe nothing unusual with the tower and antenna, then switch out your feed line with one of a different size, brand, et cetera. Is there a difference?


WP3C, W9DAE, I would have to drop the tower to get at the antenna, a bit of a hassle but I’ll try that when I get a chance. The feed line is LMR240, 60 feet +/- a foot or so. One thing I just thought of is change out the lightning suppressor. I have had one go bad in the past.

Thanks for the suggestion.


Hmm…no good on changing out the lightning arrestor. Condition was unchanged.

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