Technician Exam study time required?

Good evening,
I am studying for the Technician License. How much time should I spend per day / daily studying for the Exam. I have taken the test a few years ago multiple times and did not pass the License Exam. I am studying from the Web Site : HAM RADIO PREP.

Thanks !!!


I personally studies a couple of hours a day. Make sure to do the quizes at the end of each section. If you still don’t quite understand something, then review the section again. I was able to get through the whole thing in a week, but each person is different. If you feel like you’re head is about to explode, then definitely take a break😆! Good luck!


Great choice on studying platforms! You can study as little or as much as you want. I would recommend studying at least one or two of the videos at a time and make sure you can score highly on that section’s quiz before moving on. If you have more time, you can study more!


I would just read chapters as I had time. Sitting around not paying attention to the show the wife was watching? Read a chapter or two. Took about a week to get through the book. Spent the next week taking and re-taking practice tests in the app. I was able to do Technician and General within about a month and tested and passed both exams. Doing Extra next weekend weekend using the same method and feel confident I’ll pass.

KQ4SFG, 73