Hello! The World Radio League is working to modernize operating in all forms; the one thing we all share as amateur radio operators.
As I’m sure you’ve noticed, there are practices in other industries, like multi platform apps, advanced data visualizations, and responsive User Interfacing that just haven’t taken hold. We want to fix that, and bring Ham Radio into the 21st century.
What you see before you today is a logbook you can access anywhere on anything with a web browser, and have full access to your entire logbook. You can export logbooks to ADIF files to put into POTA, QRZ, or wherever. In our own platform, you can fill out a public profile with a bio, photo, and cool data visualizations of all contacts you make.
The future (we’ll have a formal roadmap soon) includes real time contesting with leaderboards and awards, importing your contacts into our platform to take advantage of our visualization, and offline functionality.
Hoping to possibly test in the new year, to get into digital communications, which radio would be my best choice when trying to stay under $400 and not an HT but, a mobile? I need something that can also double as a base and put out at least 50W on 70cm. Preferably capable of the marsmod. Disinterested in Baofeng or BTech. I’m not looking for cheap as much as quality and non spurious transmissions.
I am completely new to Ham Radio. I am studying for my technician license . I will soon be scheduling my exam. Thanks for the opportunity to learn from the members of the organization.
Hey sorry I am so long reading the messages. I am from Rusk, Texas. My wife and I are both retired. My wife retired from the medical field and retired from WalMart transportation. I was a truck driver for another 30 years. We now live in a fifth wheel trailer. We travel around a lot so we are never in the same place for very long. I have not got my Technician license yet but I am working on taking the exam. Looking forward to getting my call sign so we can meet on the air.
Hi, I’m Steve. I’m from Florida and I’m 19. I’ve been wanting to get my ham radio license for a couple years now, and I committed this month to start studying for it. I want to take the technician and general exam on the same day, and then get my amateur extra license as well. I’m open to any advice you can give me, and I hope to meet some of you on the air some day.
Thank you! Please be patient with me. I’m a total newb. I just started the Ham Radio Prep courses. I’m a single mother of an adult daughter. I live in TX. I’m a total introvert that never uses social networking. But I guess I can’t say that anymore because I’m wired into this group now. Happy to be here. I’m deep in the Ham Radio rabbit hole now. And I have no intentions of ever climbing out. My favorite game is Court Of The Dead. I don’t computer games. Tried WOW once. A month later I crawled out of my crypt. Decided I was addicted and I kicked the habit. Now I’m a recovering WOW-aholic. Haven’t touched the stuff in over 20 years. I’m a generation X nerd. I’m a wood carver, and an artist, so I think, I’ll settle in nicely with this Ham art crowd.
No, sir. Currently, I am on Lesson 6 of the Ham Prep Radio courses. I intend to imprint the knowledge into my memory as I go. If I get even one or two quiz questions wrong, I’ll study and take the quiz again. I don’t want to just pass. I intend to know the material like I know the ABCs. Yet, I’m a quick study. Thinking of taking more than one prep course before I take the exams. I HOPE that turns out to he a good decision.