About the Updates & Release Notes category

This category is for release notes and updates when we update our software!

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Distance in miles [IMPLEMENTED]

2 posts were split to a new topic: Repeater Logging

5 posts were split to a new topic: Location Isn’t Correct

2 posts were split to a new topic: Question About Subscription Levels

1.Will the future versions (web)(Win10/11)(Firefox) associate the adif contest tags to a contest from an upload from a logbook like dxkeeper?
Note, I do realise many logging programs are not fully adif complaint on export.
2. Will a batch edit function ever be implemented, like to associate to a contest, mode, submode etc

Thanks Rhod VK2TTL.


@VK2TTL Hello, Rhod, and thank you for the questions!

To answer your second point first, yes! A “batch edit” system is about a week or two away from beta testing!

On your first point, are you asking if you will be able to upload an ADIF log into a contest from our contest page?

Andy N0APX
WRL Product Manager

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Yes, if participated is contest and upload. I was thinking keeping one wrl logbook, designating via adif or via batch edit, allocated to a contest like oceania. I haven’t got to the many logbook idea as seems to me harder to search and merit to awards, unless your logbooks idea are like chapters in a book, one log but separated into chapters or sub logbooks of owner.,

Cheers from
ACMA General Assessor
Clarence Valley
North Coast NSW


@VK2TTL That’s a good idea. We definitely have a lot of contest enhancements on the horizon as well. Our contest system is based off of a live premise with a separate logbook for each contest, but if you want to tag previously logged contacts as contest contacts simply for your records, the coming QSO Manager (releasing to beta testers hopefully this week or next) should make that much easier for you! Also, our separate logbooks can indeed be viewed as chapters or sub logbooks of your complete log. You can search your complete log easily from your profile page, and enhanced searching/filtering is coming with QSO Manager. Awards are coming with our Analytics suite, which will be released sometime after QSO manager. Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to working with you more in the future!
Andy Perryman
WRL Product Manager

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A post was split to a new topic: Digital Logging Support

A post was split to a new topic: Integrate with Strava + Trail Maps